miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

The NAKED TRUTH! Because the truth could hurt once... but a lie hurts forever!

4 comentarios:

  1. That guy on the steps could sit on my face anytime!

  2. WOW !!! LOVE that first picture ! He should never be allowed to wear clothes . He should just stay naked 24-7 !

  3. These are our guys, I mean you, guys!
    You have the best taste!

    SFR: I'm almost sure that I used to know the name of the first photo man-god! I'll try to find it again for you... and for something he's at the top of the post...
    Mmmm... he's...too much!

  4. When I saw picture #1 I knew I recognized him but could not think of his name . I finally remembered his name is Matt Stone .


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