lunes, 23 de abril de 2012

HOT BODIES mix! A very special edition for a wonderful week!


6 comentarios:

  1. My favorite is picture 18 . I love it when really hot guys display a softer more playful side . I'll get down on the floor and play cars with him anytime !

  2. Nicolás,
    Me gustaria trabajar con el "obrero del casco", foto 11!!
    Creo que seria un buen ayudante y aprenderia mucho, pues haria todo lo que me ordenara!!
    Aunque reconozco que con los demás, también trabajaria sin ser obreros!!
    Por qué será??

  3. delicious : I like the photos from Mark Henderson :-)

  4. Something about that first photo. I like the colors and overall composition (and the dude of course!) I wish the photo was 'enlargable' but it's not. The cut and angle of the pool as well as the shades of green in the water,background and the swimsuit, is quite nice! - Montana Cowboy

  5. Thanks to you guys for your comments!
    I like to reply you, one by one, when I have the time to do it...
    Thanks SFR, Gerardo, Jeremy, Montana CB, thegayte-keeper and Muscle BP.

    SFR: I understand quite right what you mean and I like it... all is not about men naked or sex... all of the time. There's a space for tenderness and nice-cute things!

    Gerardo: ¿sabes que estuve a punto de eliminar esa foto de tu obrero-hot-laborioso? Sí, la foto se nota como "noventosa", o sea muy 90's, pero me resultó tan hot el hombre que lo dejé... además tiene un bulto taaan puntiagudo que me llamó demasiado la atención.

    Jeremy: Edendale pics are wonderful... and in this post, the pic 23 is my favorite. I love his body, his legs are amazing... I love everything on it, even the yellow colour!

    I would choose men on pics 23, 20, 25, 26, 5 and 7 for a "gang bang"... It would be great to be me! Mmmm......

    Montana CB: Hi Babe! You're right. There were some issues in the making of this post, the first one after the changes in Blogger... so I was lost trying to find where T.F. was everything and how to make the post "rightly"... I had some troubles, especially with the pic you mention and this was the only one in its right place... all the rest are in reverse! For example, the last pic was the second, the 25th was the 3rd... and so on! The only pic in its original place was this first one... you can enlarge the rest, but not this. I'm sorry, I hope this does not happen again...

    thegayte-keeper: thanks for your comment and visit! It's a pleasure having you with us... I will be visiting your blog, as soon as I can! A big hug!

    Muscle BP: I'll be visiting your blog and I'll let you know If I like it for a link's exchange.

    Thanks again guys! God bless you all, now & ever!


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